Minggu, 29 April 2012

Easy to Share Your Story on Facebook by Flash Video - Technology

Ticktack, ticktack, the clock hands continuously moves; ticktack, ticktack, the friends who are far away from your apartment are missing you

The World is a universe of interesting story:Accompanied by the silvery ticktack of clock, many interesting stories are progressing on every corner of the earth, such as joyous birthday party of kids, vivacious school life, romantic dating, wedding ceremony as well as grand occasions of different country, companies, or organizations etc. The world is absolutely a universe of stories! In every blink of an eye, maybe a funny thing happened. Fine and memorable stories are always worthy of a life-time cherishment, therefore, we carry out digital cameras and want to snapshot these memorable stories by photos and videos.

Nice videos should be shared with the world:"Happiness is really contagious", said some researchers. Happiness can be delivered among families, friends, colleagues or even people of different countries. Happiness can cheer the atmosphere and others' heart. Since you got some wonderful videos which record the happy stories of your life, why not let your happiness be transmitted among your friends? Through videos, your stories and smiles will be shared; your sensation and mood will be known by people who concern you in every ticktack of clock hands.Share videos on online channel Facebook:If you are in mind of sharing videos with the world, then Facebook must be the perfect online channel. Facebook allows everyone who has registered to upload video and share them with friends. No matter personal memories, company events, or jocular videos, Facebook can easily accommodate and broadcast them. However, problems may happen when we upload big-size videos to Facebook.

The common problem in uploading video to Facebook:Question: "I'm struggling to upload my AVI video to Facebook, where the time limit per video is 20 minutes. But the video I'm trying to upload is only 11 minutes long, but the site reports that the video failed to process, because it's too long...any idea? "Answer: "it could be a file size restriction you're breaking, and not actually the length that's the problem. Sometimes you'll get a message about length when it's actually size that counts. "When you encounter the above situation, you'd better decrease the size of your video: convert videos to flash videos, including FLV format, SWF format etc. The FLV and SWF formatted videos usually get a smaller size than video format that got from digital camera which contains the same content. Meanwhile, the flash videos can be easily uploaded to Facebook and loaded during viewing since the size is much smaller.

Best tool for converting video to flash format (/video-to-flash/)?Kvisoft video to flash converter can help you convert videos of any format to flash videos in seconds. What's more, video to flash converter also allows you to perfect your life-story videos, such crop video screen size, clip down unwanted parts, adjust the quality of video etc. Check the tutorial on YouTube for converting video to flash (/watch?v=49-EMa_Mngc).

Why not let your story and voice be heard by flash videos!

==funny story==


Touched Story in Grey's Anatomy - Entertainment - Television

In the Grey's Anatomy, the guys in this show try their best to help the patients overcome the serious illness. We don't tell the story about their hard time, we just talk about the story between the doctors and the patients.

I think the dotors in Grey's Anatomy Seasons 1-7 DVD are so great and the relationship between patients and them are so close. They offer themselves as a tribute. They are the angel in white.

I encountered a story in hospital. It was so moved that I bursted into tears.

I really want to go back and frivolous young, although ignorant but sincere! Frivolous but there is a "dream"! Think now, funny! Homes "! Willing?! Grew up unconsciously and unknowingly bear so much the cost of" force "a person's growth is always accompanied by a story, this story many years after you the most beautiful memories! just memories, you will find yourself really grow up, I kept thinking Buddha said, a life such as living among the thorns, the heart does not move, not frivolous, not moving is not hurt; such as heart people reckless and hurt their body pain bone, so the experience into the world all sorts of pain!

Life of each person is unique, and each life is hit, after all, have my whole life story, and when we get a second life at the same time, that gives us a second life is our life always rememberpeople. Jingmen City petrochemical Hospital to the people of our second life, say the touching story of the petrochemical hospital really is endless.

This is only a few moving stories, stories like this truth, petrochemical hospital every day played out. It is Jingmen Petrochemical Hospital doctors and nurses selfless dedication, and efforts to provide quality services for patients, has won the trust of the majority of patients, and social praise. Wish to petrochemical hospital can have a second chance at life, and actively move towards a more brilliant tomorrow.

Opened a hospital and a thick cotton curtain, outdoor sun is tightly blocked in behind him. This is another world, crowded, noisy, even the colors are like cast a silent shadow layer of tea, like overnight.

Those who passed from the side, you see only hastily through color. It is dark blue, coffee, gray, black, and a mixture of color, and then attached to the different people with different materials and shapes. Sometimes jackets, suits, and sometimes cotton, and even backpack. I would like to share more touching stories in hospital at DVD reviews.

==funny story==


Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Read Funny Jokes Every Day, Be Healthier Every Day, Too - Entertainment - Humor

We will all agree that funny jokes make us laugh and laugh and then laugh again. Laughter, after all, is far more contagious than a sneeze, a sniffle and a cough - and laughing with family and friends is definitely something you can live with every day. Did you know, however, that laughing at the humour behind funny short stories has its fair share of health benefits? We are not just talking about health in your mind and body but in your relationships as well. Best of all, these hilarious jokes and funny short stories are free!

How does a good amount of laughter from reading funny jokes become good medicine in everyday life? In terms of physical health, laughter:

Relaxes the entire body, which provides relief from mental stress and physical tension for up to 45 minutes after the laughing has stopped. Boosts the immune system's capacity to fight infections because it increases production of antibodies and immune cells. Promotes an overall sense of well-being because the feel-good hormones known as endorphins are released. Protects the heart since blood flow is increased.

So, whenever you feel that your body is stressed to its limit, just read funny short stories and laugh your heart out. You will feel good afterwards, trust us.

As for your emotional health, reading funny jokes and then laughing your head off provides for many benefits, too. You will experience your:

Negative emotions melting away since you cannot be anxious, sad or angry when you are laughing. Stress levels decreasing because your mind is diverted away from your stress triggers. Unfavourable perspective of stressful situations changes, which means that you can cope in a better manner.

Indeed, psychologists and psychiatrists recommend a good dose of laughter whenever you feel depressed, furious, frustrated and a whole host of negative emotions. Laughter is definitely better than an entire bottle to boost your sagging spirits.

Of course, we cannot forget the beneficial effects of laughter on establishing and strengthening our social relationships. Your romantic relationship will always be fresh, exciting and alive when you can share many moments of laughter. In fact, you may even want your partner to have a sense of humour first and foremost with all other qualities coming in a close second. After all, sex passes but laughter stays.

So, read funny jokes stories now and get ready for a healthier you! Laughter is definitely better than an entire bottle to boost your sagging spirits.

==funny story==


World Skating Champion's life story revealed in Xlibris release - Sports - Figure Skating

"Gold! The Todd Eldredge Story" is the exciting biography of Champion skater Todd Eldredge, whose dedication through triumphs and sorrow will inspire readers to never give up on a dream.

Self-published author Alicia Styles explores the triumphs and tribulations of six-time World medalist, six-time U.S. National Champion and a three time Olympian champion figure skater Todd Eldredge insightfully chronicling an illustrious career that spans over two decades of competitive skating.

From a boy who wanted to trade in his hockey skates for figure skates as he wanted to wanted to "jump and spin", to his move to Philadelphia to train with renowned coach Richard Callaghan, Alicia Styles traces the champion's early beginnings to his eventual inclusion into the American skating hall of fame.

The book also trains the spotlight on the cast of supporters that saw him through every endeavor, chief among them are Todd's mother Ruth and his father John.

Todd Eldrege's story is fraught with struggles beginning with his family's modest financial background, which did not keep him from pursuing his golden dream. The book also tells of how his local Chatham, Massachusetts community generously stood behind him by pooling in funds to support his training.

The book offers further insight into the champion's persona and the accompanying dilemmas intriguingly written thus, "The contradictions of the personality and career swirled in concentric, intermeshing circles much like the beautifully cut geometric arcs he traced in the ice surface as he spiraled ever faster toward a quad attempt. The duality. That was what drove the women crazy. Funny thing was, it drove him crazy, too."

The biography is published through Xlibris Corporation. This Bloomington, Indiana based self-publishing pioneer has been providing authors like Alicia Styles with direct and personal access to bookstore quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound, and full-color formats.

For more information, please visit , e-mail or call at 1-888-795-4274, to receive a free publishing guide.

==funny story==


==funny story==


Celebrities Funny Life Quotes And Sayings - Self Help

It appears people nowadays can easily find numerous quotes available online. All those who read quotes and sayings want to be inspired and motivated. Furthermore, the audience do not easily get bored of reading them because the message is straight forward and also has a few words. Quotes and sayings bring light and understanding to readers. These folks come from the bottom of the society to the prominent people. Below are some of the most famous life quotes from celebrities that you'll find amusing.

"The road to success is always under construction" By Lily TomlinIndeed, success is a long process. If you need to be successful, you need to start from the bottom. You need to be trainee first or take extra work if you want to be the head teacher. Perhaps being a head nurse is what you've been wanting, you need to finish first your education and pass its examination. You may encounter trials and hardships as you go. But these is not meant to be the reason for not reaching your goals and ambitions.

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second". By Johnny DeppIndeed, love is not really a simple thing. There are instances when someone loves two different people at the same time. Others have to commit affairs because they love another yet they cannot leave their marital partners basically because they still have feelings for them. The famous actor of the Pirates of the Carribean ought to have been saying this quote with wisdom. In case you still cherish your first love, you will not find another person to love. Just in case you need to choose, pick your new love. These are just Depp's thoughts. Remember, the decision still lies on you just in case you are caught in such situation.

"If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married." By Katherine HepburnTruly, it very flattering to apprehend admiration from men especially if you are a maiden. A sense of confidence and pride is what it provides to a woman. Criticism is a critical observation or remark, as several dictionaries describe. Criticism might be understand either positive or negative way. In marriage, husband and wife are very lenient with one another. Giving criticism has been part of the daily lives for quite some couples. It boils down on the partner's motive why the criticism is given. However, married couples should learn also to give complements and positive comments to their spouses instead of criticisms. Appreciation is what it is called.

"You've got enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something in your life." By EminemIndividuals have different point of views and what they believe in life, that's the truth. Sometimes being firm about what you believe might ruin relationships and may even increase your enemies. However, it'll also give you relief that you do not let others opinions tamper yours. Eminem or Marshall Bruce Mathers III is a popular American rapper, songwriter and producer. His songs has made lots of individuals angry because they are very controversial. It's not a new story that he had several feuds with other celebrities and family members because of the contentious lyrics that he wrote and sang. Perhaps, he is just being true to himself.

Like us, celebrities are opinionated too. They have minds to speak too. Quotes which were mentioned above are all celebrity quotes. They aren't just comical, people of different walks of life can greatly relate to them as well.

==funny story==


Mommy Humor - Funny Short Story: Lying - Entertainment - Humor

This is a funny short story about lying. Lying is a learned skill. Some people are good at it, and others are not. Poker players can't win without being great at it. Politicians can't get elected without perfecting the art. As parents, we need to be able to detect it. The key for the liar is knowing when to make the attempt (you can get away with it) and when to show restraint. Thankfully most of our young children are really bad at it now, but I predict that unfortunately they'll get better at it as they get older. This funny short story won't help you deal with the lying, but hopefully it'll cheer you up while you're dealing with it.

We have two kids; they're around the same age (girl-9 & boy-7). They're also around the same size which becomes important when fists fly, but doesn't really come into play for the lying thing. As you no doubt have already guessed (based on your own vast experience), the most common case is a pair of fingers pointing in the opposite direction.

I know SOMEBODY did it. It's not even worth my time to ask Mommy if SHE did it because when was the last time Mommy mistakenly (or lazily) dropped a half-eaten candy cane on the carpet floor? And sure, I had a couple of drinks last night, but I don't even LIKE candy canes. No, the guilty party is definitely standing right in front of me. All I have to do is figure out who it is.

Here's the funny part: While I'm planning my next move in response to the criss-cross of accusational fingers, the guilty party fesses up!... and I can't for the life of me figure out why! Perhaps it's because both of them (or at least the guilty one) didn't take the time to ponder how even Sherlock Holmes would be at a loss at where to start. It's not out of fear; I've never even raised my voice to either of them (I'm saving that for the right moment, like for the first time one of them drinks and drives or performs some other life threatening sin of stupidity).

The punishment is minor. Pick up the candy cane and spend a minute or so rubbing the sticky carpet with a damp sponge... or if the offense was failing to put away the Wii video game you lose one day of access to the device. My best guess is that the lack of sting included in the punishment is what's helping in the perpetrator discovery phase.

The kids don't do any better in the flip-side scenario. "Who spilled food coloring all over the fireplace?" produces the two pointing fingers, but only one of them is covered in purple food coloring. It's hard to not laugh.

Another funny short story (shorter but funnier), about a year ago I went on a walk with my friend and his two kids. In the interest of his privacy I neither confirm nor deny that this friend is a relative of mine, or even that this friend exists outside of my vivid imagination. Anyway, I'm talking on my cell phone and at some point there's a commotion that catches my attention. I hear my friend say, "I'm sure he wasn't TRYING to kick you!" The boy interjects, "I WAS trying to kick her, but I missed and kicked her bike instead."

Well there you have it. They've got a lot to learn before graduating from law school. In the meantime let's be thankful for their lack of skill in the art of deception, hoping that it takes as long as possible for them to catch on. Also in the meantime it provides plenty of material for a funny short story.

DISCLAIMER: While the events described above are representative of true to life events in the life of the author, details of the story may be fuzzy or embellished for the benefit of the reader's enjoyment and for the benefit of SEO (Search Engine Optimization - the keyphrase is "funny short story"... Admit it, that's what you typed into the search box).

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==funny story==